GEO Financial Statement of Responsibility

GEO Program Payment and Financial Responsibility 

In order to participate in this program, I understand that I am responsible for paying the full advertised program cost to the George Mason University Global Education Office (GEO) based on the schedule below.


  • The full program cost will be posted to your George Mason student account. 
  • George Mason University applies payments to outstanding charges first. If you have an outstanding balance your payments will first go to paying that charge. You will still be responsible for the GEO charge too.


$200 Application Deposit: A non-refundable application deposit of $200 is due upon application for all programs except External Program and Build Your Own Internship applications. 
The application deadlines for all programs except internships are:

Academic Year, Fall Semester, Spring and Calendar year Bilateral and Direct Enrollment Programs

March 1 


Summer Programs and Fall Faculty-led Programs

March 1
Winter and Spring Semester Faculty-led Programs October 1
Spring Break Programs November 1

The application deadlines for internships are:

Partner Virtual, Hybrid, and Travel Programs
Build Your Own
London: January 17. All others: February 1 
April 10
Winter and Spring:
Partner Virtual, Hybrid and Travel Programs
Virtual and Build Your Own
October 10
November 10
Partner Virtual, Hybrid and Travel Programs
Build Your Own
June 10
July 10

The application fee deposit is made through your application in MasonAbroad and is non-refundable.

$300 or $500 Administrative Fee: A non-refundable administrative fee of $300 for semester-long or $500 for year-long Exchange or External program applicants is due at commitment. The administrative fee is made through your application in MasonAbroad. These fees are not applicable to other GEO programs.

Payment of the remaining program balance is due the first day of the semester in which the program takes place. See Mason Payment Schedule for more details. 

Final payments for study abroad program fees are made by credit card or electronic check through the Mason Bill+Payment system or by check through the Mason Cashier’s Office. 

Commitment & Withdrawal

$1000 withdrawal penalty: Once you Commit to your program after acceptance you agree to pay a $1000 withdrawal penalty and any GEO non-recoverable costs. Depending on your withdrawal date this could be the full program cost. Do not commit to the program until you are sure of your intent to participate and are ready to accept all financial obligations related to your participation in the program. 
Click the “commit” button to confirm your enrollment by:  

Academic Year, Fall Semester, Spring and Calendar Year Programs March 10
Fall Partner Internship ProgramsJune 20
Fall Virtual/Online Programs July 10 
Fall Build Your Own Internship Programs August 1
Winter Break, Spring Faculty-led Programs & Spring Partner Internship Programs October 10
Winter Break and Spring, Spring Break Build Your Own Internship Programs November 20 
Spring Break Programs November 10
Summer Partner Internship Programs London: January 24. All others: February 8 
Summer ProgramsMarch 10
Summer Build Your Own Internship Programs May 1 

100% Liability: If a participant cancels/withdraws, voluntarily or involuntarily (including dismissal from the program), after the following dates, the participant is 100% liable for program costs: 

Fall and Fall Semester of Calendar Year  ProgramsJune 25 
Fall Virtual/Online & Partner Internship ProgramsJuly 10
Fall Build Your Own Internship Programs August 1
Winter Break ProgramsNovember 10 
Winter Break Build Your Own Internship Programs December 1 
Spring and Spring Semester of Academic Year Programs & Spring Partner Internship ProgramsDecember 10 
Spring Break ProgramsDecember 10 
Summer Programs & Summer Partner Internship ProgramsApril 1 
Summer Build Your Own Internship Programs May 1 


Financial Aid

In most cases, financial aid can be used for study abroad programs. If you plan to use federal, state, institutional financial aid, scholarships, grants or loans to finance your study abroad: 

  • Mark “Yes” to “Do you plan to use Financial Aid to finance your program?” in your profile in and 
  • Complete the Financial Aid questionnaire item in your application. 
  • Schedule an appointment with your financial aid officer to review your financial aid package in light of your participation in study abroad. 

Only the Office of Financial Aid can determine your aid eligibility.

Confirmation of your financial aid award may not be available until registration and billing for the term in question is final.

If aid eligibility changes, or the amount of aid disbursed is lower than anticipated, students must pay all remaining account balances or risk late fees, holds on their accounts, and program dismissal. 
For more information on payments, including the financial aid process, please click here

VA Benefits

The VA determines if a program is eligible to receive VA benefit payments based on the participants VA education program. Use of benefits is dependent on type of benefit and type of program. If you plan to use VA benefits to finance study abroad contact your program administrator at [MasonLed, GoIntern, IntlEx] to request the "Intent to Use VA Benefits Form." You will complete that form with the Office of Military Services. To contact Military Services be sure to email them directly at 

Financial Responsibility

I accept full responsibility for coordinating timely payment for all program fees associated with this Global Education Office study abroad program and for following university procedures for financial aid, loan, and scholarship(s) disbursement. I am responsible for making payment of all remaining account balances in accordance with the program payment schedule above, and I am responsible for all late fees and/or costs for collection of fees in accordance with standard University procedures. Non-payment of fees will jeopardize my continuing participation in the program and may result in withdrawal or dismissal. I understand I will still be liable for costs in this case. 

Updated 12/04/2023