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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply. If you would like to request information from our staff about programs matching the search criteria you have selected, use the Request Info button.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, having (Program Administrator equal to 'Michal McElwain Malur'), sorted by Program Name in ascending order.

Program search results
Program search results
Program Name  City Country Region Save/Share
Cuba - The Island After the Castros: Cuba-U.S. Relations, Security, Trade, Migration: Schar, Summer Havana Cuba North America
Miami, Florida United States North America
Cyprus - Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean: Geopolitics and Human Security - Schar, Summer Nicosia Cyprus Europe
Mexico/U.S. - IR Task Force: Human Security, the US-Mexico Border, and Competing Narratives About Migration: Schar, Spring Break Ciudad Juarez Mexico Central America
El Paso United States North America
South Africa - The New Africa: A comprehensive analysis of policy challenges and opportunities in South Africa (August Travel) - Schar, Fall Cape Town South Africa Africa
Johannesburg South Africa Africa
Pretoria South Africa Africa
U.K. - London/Oxford: Britain Beyond Brexit and the Growing Nationalism Movements in Western Democracies: Schar, Summer City of London United Kingdom Europe
Oxford United Kingdom Europe
U.S.-Mexico Relations in the Age of Trump, Mexico and the United States: Schar, Summer Mexico City Mexico North America
Virtual - Africa Forward: African-Led Development, African Solutions to African Challenges (online with students from South Africa) - Schar, Spring Online United States North America